History of 3D Graphics

In this lecture we will review the history of 3D graphics through its aesthetic and technological developments over time.

As we look at this history, let's keep a couple of questions in mind:

  • How do 3D graphics change the experience of an interactive experience (like a video game)?
  • What are the unique affordances of a 3D environment?

3D Graphics on the Apple II (1980)

Battlezone (1980)

Sinclair ZX81 Game: 3D Monster Maze (1981 J. K. Greye Software)

Wolfenstein 3D (1992)

Myst (1993)

Super Mario 64 and Nintendo 64 (1996) TV Commercial

Bladerunner (1997)

Quake 3D (1999)

Crysis (2007)

Assassin's Creed Unity (2014)

Overwatch (2016)

Cyberpunk 2077 (2020)